frequently asked questions

  • Microblading is generally safe and is a reliable procedure that's suitable for most people. However, the following conditions listed are disqualifying factors for Microblading.

    • Keloid scarring
    • Diabetes with severe symptoms
    • Use of blood-thinning medication and cannot discontinue for more than 4 days
    • Accutane use within the last 12 months (you must be clear of your prescription for at least 12 months prior to your appointment)
    • Chemotherapy or radiation (you must be clear of your prescription for at least 12 months prior to your appointment)
    •Diagnosed dermatitis or severe eczema in or around the brow area

    If you have any other medical conditions that you're unsure of, please email us at, and we'll be happy to address any other health-related questions you may have.

  • Once you decide which artist you would like to go to after reviewing our Portfolios, it is recommended you use these simple guidelines in our pre and post care guide to understand what pre-appointment prep is needed and what the healing phase entails. This will help you be able to select an optimal time to enhance your brows, ensuring a seamless experience. Once you feel prepared, enjoy the breeze of our online scheduler to book your appointment! For Initial Appointments: We will schedule your 6-8 week complimentary touch-up appointment at your initial appointment to ensure you a spot on your artist’s schedule. On your touch-up appointment: Your artist will set you up with a Future Booking Guide that explains to you how to schedule Color Boost or Brow Check-In appointments.

  • At our studio, we want you to have stunning brows that last. Typically, your brows will keep their beautiful color for 1-2 years. To ensure your brows stay looking fresh and vibrant, we recommend scheduling a Color Boost appointment over the years for maintenance. Depending on your lifestyle habits, such as sun exposure, facial peels, or skin cell regenerative products, you may have more fading. During your touch-up appointment, which happens 6-8 weeks after your initial appointment, we'll be able to assess your retention abilities and determine how often you should come in for a Color Boost.

  • If you’re 12 months or more from your last visit, you have many areas of fading in the brow that you’ve been filling in with makeup for a bit, and you’re able to follow your pre and post brow care to a T, then come on in! If you’re wanting a Color Boost “just because” ..then reconsider timing, remember this is tattooing and we aim to keep the skin at optimal health! If you're unsure when to book your Color Boost, we suggest scheduling a Brow Check-In appointment so our professionals can give you their expert opinion on the appropriate time frame to book for. (The Brow Check-In appointment also allows us to avoid forfeiting a Color Boost appointment deposit when nothing is needed!)

  • The length of your initial appointment will depend on the artist you've booked with. Master Artist’ appointment slot is typically around 2 hours, Advanced Artist’ appointment slot is approximately 3 hours, and a Beginner Artist’ appointment time is around 3-4 hours. We factor in time for paperwork and consulting so there's no need to arrive earlier than scheduled, unless instructed otherwise. During your initial appointment, the actual Microblading process usually takes between 30 to 45 minutes. The rest of the time will be spent on consulting, shaping your brows, color selection, and skin analysis. For touch-up and color boost appointments, we set aside an hour and a half.

  • Typically, only one touch-up appointment is necessary, and it's included in your initial investment. This appointment takes place 6-8 weeks after your first session. In a case-by-case basis, clients needing an additional touch-up outside of their initial appointment package, this service incurs a cost of $75 and should be booked 6-8 weeks after your initial touch-up. The extra $75 can also be used for a Color Boost touch up if the client needs it.